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Monday, February 25, 2008

Mondo's Stories from Writing Class

E2 Writing Assignment: Write an imaginative story

Students at the YMCA International College are required to write an imaginative story, paying close attention to the various aspects of story writing. The assignments are required to have the following aspects; background, tension building, climax, and resolution. Also the students should think about character, time, setting, situation and challenges. The following stories are examples of student work for the second semester (2005-2006), Steven Mondy.

E2 Writing Class Blog 2007/8 Sem 2(Click Here)

Mondo's E2 Writing Class Blog for YMCA English Course Students
(Creative writing project focussed on making students write regularly - Work is edited by students themselves)
Welcome to the E2 Writing Class Blog. Each week, students will be contributing some work to this area.
What to do? Each week you must write a 50 word e-mail to your teacher. It can be on any subject, but should be e-mailed to your teacher by Friday each week.
Choose topics to write about, get it checked, and send it to your teacher to get them published.

E2 Blog 2006/7 - Semester 2 (click here)

Mondo's E2 Writing Class Blog for YMCA English Course Students
(Creative writing project focussed on making students write regularly - Work is edited by students themselves)
Welcome to the E2 Writing Class Blog. Each week, students will be contributing some work to this area.
What to do? Each week you must write a 50 word e-mail to your teacher. It can be on any subject, but should be e-mailed to your teacher by Friday each week.
Choose topics to write about, get it checked, and send it to your teacher to get them published.